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jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

About "Juliet, Naked"

Two people are together because they enjoy the same stuff, going to the movies, listening to music, reading books, going to pubs, there are infinites scenarios in the world of couples (which is a totally different world from the world of the single people)

Couples, couples some people are meant to be and some others just thought they were. Until that other, sometimes not that special but just the right one in that moment appears making everything fall apart.

Mixing love, relationships and music is Hornby stuff, and he really knows how to do it. I found in "Juliet, Naked" a simple but complex love story, something you can relate to, situations, thoughts and feelings that appear once in a while when you love someone but that other doesn't love you.

At the end, love it's all about finding the right tune for you.